
TSTCI's committees are the backbone of our organization. Our committee volunteers are the people making things happen and overseeing the work of the association on a regular bases. We have several standing committees and encourage all members to become involved. 

Legislative Committee
Purpose: To participate, monitor and influence legislative issues that may impact the membership. Committee works with Executive Staff and Legislative Manager to determine position and action items for legislative strategy/agenda during session and non-session years. Committee also takes the lead on political action committee (PAC) activities, fundraising and makes recommendations to the PAC Disbursement Committee for political contributions. Committee responsible for legislative bill tracking, analysis and data collection as needed.

Program Planning Committee
Purpose: To participate with Executive Staff and Meeting Planner to develop program content and budget for the four standing meetings throughout the year. Committee will also help evaluate evaluations, review proposed location contracts and recommend keynote speaker topics/speakers.  Committee will also poll membership for requested program topics, speakers and any additional educational forums they need.

Regulatory Committee
Purpose: To participate and monitor regulatory, legislative and industry activities that impact the regulatory oversight both at state and federal level on the rural telephone providers. Committee works with the Executive Staff to monitor, analyze and participate in regulatory proceedings before the Public Utility Commission and the Federal Communications Commission either through comments, filings and/or testimony as needed.